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Inner Mongolia boiler environmental protection transformation to achieve low-carbon environmental pr

author:admin release date:2020-01-06 view: QR code sharing

The environmental protection transformation of inner mongolia boiler is the residual heat utilization of high temperature flue gas excluded from the user's production. High temperature flue gas can be used by producing hot water or steam for other parts of the work through the corresponding waste heat boiler.

The reason for the environmental transformation of Inner Mongolia boiler is that the cry of low-carbon environmental protection is growing, and people pay more and more attention to the carbon emissions generated by their own social activities. The economic model based on low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission is another important progress of human society after agricultural civilization and industrial civilization.

Therefore, in various fields have produced a "low-carbon" concept, "low carbon" life, "low carbon" products and services and so on. There is no doubt that in Inner Mongolia boiler environmental transformation industry has also produced the "energy-saving Inner Mongolia boiler environmental protection transformation" concept.

The environmental modification of inner-mask boilers is also a mechanical device that uses heat from fuel or other energy sources to heat water into hot water or steam. The original meaning of the pot refers to the water container heated on the fire, the furnace refers to the place where the fuel is burned, and the environmental protection of the Inner Mongolia boiler includes the pot and the furnace. However, today's business community on the "energy-saving Inner Mongolia boiler environmental transformation" definition has been relaxed a lot.

In general, the core objective of raising COP values (energy efficiency ratio) is the use of advanced scientific and technological means to provide as little or no impact as possible on the environment, while providing more hot water or steam for mechanical equipment.

Environmental transformation of boilers in Inner Mongolia

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