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Analysis of fouling and blocking problems of Inner Mongolia desulfurization denitrification equipmen

author:admin release date:2020-01-06 view: QR code sharing

At present, in the process of using wet desulfurization, there is often an unavoidable problem, that is, the inside of the equipment will often cause fouling and blocking phenomenon. Obviously, once the equipment has fouling and blocking problems, its absorption and processing power will be affected, but also affect its service life.

In order to solve such problems, it is necessary to understand the operation of the equipment, and then find out the main causes of fouling and blocking, before the use of targeted measures to deal with. Inner Mongolia desulfurization denitrification equipment company believes that, for the present, the commonly used methods are: 1, in the skill operation, through the control of the absorption of water vaporization speed and steaming volume to avoid this situation as far as possible;

Or as much as possible to make the easy to crystalline material in an unsaturated state, and in the dust removal process, strict control of the amount of soot brought in, etc. Inner Mongolia desulfurization denitrification equipment company explained that these methods have a certain effect, in the actual selection, should be based on the specific circumstances to determine.

Of course, we can also consider from the aspect of manufacturing materials, such as in the production of equipment, the choice of a smooth surface is not prone to corrosion materials to make absorption equipment. Inner Mongolia desulfurization denitrification equipment company believes that this natural also has a certain role. Or from the structural design to improve, you can choose not easy to produce scale and blocking absorption equipment.

Inner Mongolia desulfurization denitrification equipment

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